The sun - SOARELE
The sun is the star at the center of the Solar System. It is almost perfectly spherical...We see the sun from all then world as beautiful it is, in every season... From Romania, in 1999, the eclipse it was a great view. I remember those times :) Do you?
Va mai amintiti ecplisa din '99 ? Eu eram la Valiug, era altfel decat acum, cand s-au "modernizat" locurile...
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Solar eclipse - 1999 |
"Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot, others transform a yellow spot into the sun."
Pablo Picasso
Azi vom vedea niste tablouri cu tema "galben - soare" , in ordine aleatorie, asa cum mi le-a adus in cale google. Toate sunt realizate de artisti romani :)
Today I will show you some random paintings with sun theme, made by Romanian painters.
I hope you like them :)
"Rasarit de soare" (Sunrise)
Pictor: Moldovan Eva
Sursa: Moldovan Eva
Nu stiu unde e locul in care s-a inspirat pictorita, dar seamana izbitor cu imaginea ce o vad eu cand merg la "poienita de pe muntele Semenic": copacii in dreapta (altii, nu cei de aici)... tufe cu flori in stanga lor, chiar in fata unor stanci ce aici lipsesc.. in stanga o poiana imensa unde se poate alerga in voie... iar in zare muntii!
Voi reveni cu poza respectiva, cand o voi gasi in arhiva mea, intr-o postare speciala :)
"Apus de soare" (Sunset)
Pictor: Moldovan Eva
"Campuri aurii sau vis de iubire in galben solar"
"Golden fields or dream of love in solar yellow"
Pictor: Corina Chirila , 2002
"Rasarit de soare"
Pictor: Ion Cireasa, 2010
"The best and most beautiful things in life can't be seen or touched. Have to be sensed in the soul."
Hellen Keller
"Toamna la pescuit"
Pictor: Ion Voineagu
"Apus de soare"
Pictor: Gabriela Ranga
"Apus de soare"
Pictor: Ion Voineagu
"Artistul dezvaluie omenirii calea spre armonie, care e fericire si pace."
"Artist reveals mankind the way to harmony, which is happiness and peace."
George Enescu
Apus de soare intre dealurile Resitei |
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