Baia Apollo - Herculane
Am fost acolo, mi-a placut statiunea. Mai tineti minte impresile din august-septembrie, cele proaspete :)
Acum, dupa cateva luni, simt acelasi lucru: este o statiune frumoasa, are niste cladiri... una si-una, cum spunem noi...
Pe parcursul unor episoade (nu stiu inca cate vor fi in total) voi povesti despre ceea ce are specific vechea localitate... Azi: ep. 1 .
Descoperirea "apelor minune"
Stiti cum s-au descoperit proprietatile curative ale apelor de aici? Se pare ca pe vremea romanilor, trupele , atat cele pedestre cat si cavaleria, obositi fiind si incalziti de atata drum, au facut un popas in aceasta zona pentru a-si obloji ranile si a se odihni o vreme... Langa raul Cerna, unde sunt apele sulfuroase. Alta data voi arata si poze cu aceste ape "speciale".
Unii cai erau plini de rani si obositi. Timp de cateva zile, cat au stationat cu totii aici, au observat ca animalele s-au vindecat miraculos de toata ranile avute, precum si faptul ca sunt intr-o forma excelenta, ca si cum s-ar fi renascut. Toate acestea dupa baile facute in apa speciala...
Li s-a dus vestea apoi, incat au venit si altii aici, dupa-aceea...
Do you know how they discovered the healing properties of waters from here? It seems that Roman troops, both pedestrians and the cavalry, being tired and warmed from the trips, they made a stop in this area in order to bandage wounds and rest for a while ... Near the Cerna river, where are the sulphurous waters. Another time I put here, on the blog, some pictures of these "special" waters.
Some horses were full of injuries and very tired. For several days, as we all were stationed here, they observed that the animals were miraculously healed all wounds , and that they are in excellent shape, as they should reborned. After taking some baths in the special springs...
The news went everywhere and in time other people came here ...
"Apele termale de la Herculane erau folosite inca de pe vremea romanilor, fiind prima statiune atestata documentar (153 e. n.), izvoarele si apele din zona au aceleasi proprietati curative...
Statiunea a suferit de-a lungul timpului diferite transformari, fiind distrusa in timpul razboiului turco-austriac (1791), dar reconstruita dupa 1800. Incepand cu acea perioada, vestea proprietatilor curative ale apelor si izvoarelor termale de la Herculane s-a raspandit in toata lumea. Faima capatata s-a mentinut de-a lungul timpului pana spre sfarsitul secolului trecut cand, dupa eliberarea de sub regimul comunist, Baile Herculane au inceput procesul de degradare asistata.…"
Citat din
Sa speram ca isi va reveni :)
I was there
I was there, I liked the Resort. Do you remember my impressions since August - September, the fresh ones:) Now, after several months, I feel the same thing: it is a beautiful Resort, has some awesome buildings ... "one and one", as we say here ...
"Herculane thermal waters were used since Roman times, the first resort documented (153 C.E.), springs and waters from that area still have the same healing properties ...
The resort underwent various transformations over time, being destroyed during the Turkish-Austrian War (1791), but rebuilt in 1800. Since that time, news about the curative properties of the waters and hot springs Herculane spread worldwide. Fame was maintained over time until the end of the last century when, after liberation from the communist regime began Herculane "assisted" degradation process ...."
Quote from
Hopefully her fame will return :)
These pictures are from Apollo Bath , an old building, but strange and interesting. I wish I could see it in her "old good times" :))
Informatii si povesti despre aceasta statiune aici:
To be continued...
P.S. Intamplator, daca aveti fotografii din vremurile bune, le astept pe google+ :) Facem o retrospectiva frumoasa...
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